Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Low moral enthusiasm?

From Tozer's Devotion for today

"Were some watcher or holy one from the bright world above to come among us for a time with the power to diagnose the spiritual ills of church people there is one entry which I am quite sure would appear on the vast majority of his reports: Definite evidence of chronic spiritual lassitude; level of moral enthusiasm extremely low...."

"It is true that there is a lot of religious activity among us. Inter- church basketball tournaments, religious splash parties followed by devotions, week-end camping trips with a Bible quiz around the fire, Sunday school picnics, building fund drives and ministerial breakfasts are with us in unbelievable numbers, and they are carried on with typical American gusto. It is when we enter the sacred precincts of the heart's personal religion that we suddenly lose all enthusiasm."

"So we find this strange and contradictory situation: a world of noisy, headlong religious activity carried on without moral energy or spiritual fervor."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sounds like Tozer was reading Sparks...roaring and pounding the pavement with delight...RoG