Monday, February 27, 2006

His love is without reservations!

Perhaps a look at the question from yesterday.
I have been reading a great book by James MacDonald called "Gripped by the Greatness of God". My paraphrasing of some of his words is included in this blog today.
"If you have been chosen by God......
Somehow, before the world was made, God looked into the future and chose to set His love upon you (if you are struggling with this, you don't quite understand God's sovereignty yet). God did not set His love upon you because you have something going on that someone else doesn't. We are not valuable and loved in ourselves. We are not valuable, we are valued. Big difference...we are loved by God, precious in His sight. His heart will not change toward us. His love will not go away. No matter what is crashing and burning around us, we can rest in the security of a loving God, Who says, 'I am the Lord, I do not change'. Malachi 3:6 NKJV
That is truly love and security in Him."
Now that is a pretty good answer....don't you think?
This quote blew me away, though.
"I must wade out of the shallow waters of self-absorption into the deep waters of praising Him at all times for all things."

It seems to me that God loves us without reservations!

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