Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Clouding my thoughts

I heard a Pastor speak today on prayer. He had some wonderful ideas on how to allow Father to speak through us in prayer meetings, circles, gatherings etc. I have long held to these thoughts in a sort of jumbled up and never having really been involved too deeply in the organized prayer meetings as such, thinking, and I believe this pastor was right on. Sometimes we in our humanness get caught up with the prayer requests......we hear about everything and everybody and everything about everybody that we do not necessarily need to hear about when it comes to requesting prayer. God is the One we are praying to, right? He already knows the needs of each and every person in the group. Be it two or two hundred and two. We are so always trying to direct our paths and the paths of others. I think this Pastor's bottom line was, shutting up and allowing the Holy Spirit to speak through us or not. Bring forth a real word from God, a cry to God, and allow the freedom He offers to reign. To not be afraid of silence. To be ministered to in whatever way He would show Himself to each one. The intimacy of our relationship with Him allows for this type of 'prayer meeting'. Not everyone would be content in this prayer 'style', of that I am sure. How would everyone know what was going on with so and so and do you know what? and on and on. This may sound a little cynical but it is spoken in love. May we let go of ourselves and allow our prayers to reach the God of all creation, in ways He would have us reverently and passionately come to Him. With that realness and depth of love for Him and others that He arises in us. Whew! What a prayer meeting that would be, if we focussed on the Source of all answers to prayer and the Focus of our adoration and praise. That would bring us to that all too well known phrase....We are One in the Spirit. Leave all other agendas outside the circle. He will speak to each heart willing to hear.

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