Saturday, June 10, 2006

Gleanings in the Fields of Boaz

This is a poem written by a friend of Watchman Nee and a saint deep in the Lord (his words).
I happened upon it while reading 'Gleanings in the Fields of Boaz' by Nee. The book is a short compilation of some letters, revelations to and thoughts by this man who I have come to love and admire. His understanding and love for God was great. This book I came upon after reading about this passage in the Word and finding this title..... I love it when Father weaves together the next thing and the thing after that. May this poem affirm and bless you as it did me.

If the path I travel

Lead me to the cross,

If the way Thou choosest

Lead to pain and loss,

Let the compensation

Daily, hourly, be

Shadowless communion

Blessed Lord, with Thee.

If there's less of earth joy,

Give, Lord, more of heaven.

Let the spirit praise Thee,

Though the heart be riven;

If sweet earthly ties, Lord,

Break at Thy decree,

Let the tie that binds us,

Closer, sweeter, be.

Lonely though the pathway,

Cheer it with Thy smile;

Be Thou my companion

Through earth's little while;

Softless may I live, Lord,

By Thy grace to be

Just a cleansed channel

For Thy life through me.

M. E. Barber


Mikey's God Talk said...

The cross is the answer to everthing life sends our way.Sometimes, our path has many turns on the way to the cross and we take detours because of our human condition. As you know, that is not our true identity.

Mikey <>< <>< <><

Anonymous said...

I love Watchman Nee!
His stuff has impacted me in such a deep way, I don't think I even understand it. I have read most of his books and have been so encouraged by his personal walk with Jesus. He was something special.

I am a musician and WN has inspired many of my songs. I would be honored if you would check out my music on my site. All my music is free for download. Anyway, I just thought that I'd share.

"All my music is free for download."