Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Shiny and New and woo hoo for 2007

Well, as you can see I have crossed over to the new blogger side.....I only attempted this because I had three of my four kids home to come to my aid should I falter with the transition. :) They keep trying to get me to go to "MYSPACE".....but I am not jumping ship....I have come this far. :)

Hope you like the new layout and really, in light of eternity and Kingdom business who really cares....although I think He delights in the things that bring us delight.

Starting the new look of the blog with this quote from Manning....(of course),
from Abba's Child. With the busyness of Christmas this and that....we forget to listen. Listening to Him.....brings us to that place....where everything else becomes unimportant...or at least secondary to hearing His Voice.

"It took only a few hours of silence before I began to hear my soul speaking. It only took being alone for a short period of time for me to discover I wasn't alone. God had been trying to shout over the noisiness of my life, and I couldn't hear Him. But in the stillness and solitude, His whispers shouted from my soul, '_____ , I am here. I have been calling you, but you haven't been listening. Can you hear Me, _____? I love you. I have always loved you. And I have been waiting for you to hear Me say that to you. But you have been so busy trying to prove to yourself you are loved that you have not heard Me.'

I heard Him, and my slumbering soul was filled with the joy of the prodigal son. My soul was awakened by a loving Father who had been looking and waiting for me. Finally, I accepted my brokenness....I had never come to terms with that. Let me explain. I knew was broken. I knew I was a sinner. I knew I continually disappointed God, but I could never accept that part of me. It was a part of me that embarassed me. I continually felt the need to apologize, to run from my weaknesses, to deny who I was and concentrate on what I should be. I was broken, yes, but I was continually trying never to be broken again - or at least to get to the place where I was very seldom broken....

It became very clear to me that I had totally misunderstood the Christian faith. I came to see that it was in my brokenness, in my powerlessness, in my weakness that Jesus was made strong."


In Christ Alone said...

Nice, I see how it is...enough comments from the peanut gallery!
Why is it that I never thought of that.... I should have known someone (likely RoG) would turn this blog of beauty into a pepto bismal plug .... speaking of that...I don't feel so good... :)

Walking Church said...

Giggling too! Or is that Gurgling too! RoG

Mikey's God Talk said...

Not sure I want the new blog, If I gotta go pink, might retire!!!

Mikey <>< <>< <><