Monday, April 17, 2006

An Easter morn, at "Sonrise"

Might I share from my heart. Is there any other way to share? I attended a gathering of beautiful saints yesterday on Easter Sunday for a "Sonrise Service" at first light....which did appear shortly after arriving there. It was cold. It was muddy. It was a site where one would not find oneself there for no good reason. The location was a reminder of a time 2000 and some odd years ago when Jesus did something that sometimes I wonder... why? This small gathering maybe had the answers in their hearts as we stood together, with one another, a little nervous, a little unfamiliar with one another (some of us), but each one of us remembering. I could see His heart broken for each one of us there. He went to the cross for each of us, for our pain and hurt and He knows how we feel, alone, tired, sick, despairing for Him and His understanding at different times. He was there. He was always there. His words, "It is finished", was not a cry of despair like ours are so often. No, His cry was one of victory. Completed redemptive work. The last note to the song had been written. I saw this work on that hill yesterday as I viewed three crosses standing against Father's sky. As we came together as His Body and as we honoured His life in us, His love for us, His plan for us, His choice to "go to hell for us rather than go to heaven without us", as Max Lucado words it, I saw the cross, the cross the wonderful cross in those moments. I saw my Redeemer in each saint standing, unique and yet unified by Him, by Him because of Him, for Him. We stood there, forgiven, redeemed, righteous in Him, sanctified, holy children of a living God, seated at the right hand of God with Jesus in Jesus and significant because of Him. It is finished. In Christ, we stand on holy ground each moment of each day. I thank Him for killing me there at the cross and allowing His fire to blaze inside of me. It will never be put out. Amazing, that a gathering such as this could touch me this way. The words spoken and unspoken touched me because those words came from Him. His voice singing His praise. Worship to Him, touching our hearts. What a wonder! What a joy! What a privelege to be unified in Him. He allowed me to touch a piece of Him there on that hill. As I reflected on it over the course of the day it was made clear to me that true worship in Spirit and in Truth is a place where He allows you to touch, a place in Him that is hidden and yet totally accessible as He directs a pure heart. As I continue in this journey the firsts just keep on happening (as this was a first Easter morn spent this way ever). What a blessing He gave me. What a joy filled me as I reflected on the uniqueness of each spirit being and yet the bonds that connect us in Christ making us one in Him. These saints are loved and appreciated. No judgement, no condemnation for those who are in Christ. Christ took me to a new place yesterday. I have far to go in this journey and yet I take not one step. May He direct always, and may it be nothing that I do. May I live out the freedom of Him being my life. His steps moving me forward. I pray the same for each saint that stood on the hill yesterday, Easter morn.

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