Wednesday, November 22, 2006

By Him Alone

How do we live in a world that is so performance oriented, so success oriented, so posession driven and so intent on doing everything possible to make everything about what you have, what you look like, what you can do in your own ability, what you can achieve in your own strength, as believers? When me, myself and I, are of the utmost importance, when the top 5% of the people in the world (my statistic), make the rules, the standards for our behaviors, our acceptance quotient know? How do you live, how do you relate to others, your family, how do you expect our kids to understand and emulate anything other than what they see in the world around them ...secular or Christian mind you because as of late and probably for a long, long seems no better than the other?
This question, topic came up this is a biggie....because as we look around, things are not too great....things are frustrating and scary and painful and just not right.....

The answer is simple....we cannot do anything....we will not now or ever change anybody, ourself included, no matter how bad things get, look and actually are. The way is not about doing anything....unless it be by just coming to the place of complete brokenness and realizing that it is here that total surrender to God (all our self, our rights, our actions, our lives, really) is the only response to this despair that is around us. As we allow Christ in us to touch others through us, in that one-on-one wonderful, spiritual, amazing way that He does....things happen....not because of us....because it is Him....and He is the only answer to other people's pain and disappointments. It is in that supernatural exchange of Him and His character that others realize (or not), that this is something different....something good.....something real.....and something they are desperately seeking......!
I checked out walkingchurch this a.m. and saw a stirring account from T. Austin Sparks.....shared by RoG.....and my thoughts were ....about how different we all are in spite of our sameness because it is the same Christ that we live in and move in and have our being in.....and how no way no I want to be anything this world's estimation.....there is way too much disappointment out there.....unless He is the one leading me there.....and I wonder why would He? There is an insurmountable amount of stuff that He is doing right this very imperfect and badly battered vessel....and that is sometimes more than I can I so appreciate the ones that He has used to minister Himself through to me.....I don't need more or any fame or name or other than what is is is more than "I" can handle....I marvel that He is doing things in the people around me......glimpses of the process He is manufacturing for time relationships....He is the one making the difference....whatever my situation or circumstance.....from mountaintop to valley low....makes no never mind to the One who can work through anyone we continue to keep our eyes....spiritual and otherwise on Him alone.....everything else is just not satisfying......and everyone else is just not enough. He is Grace.....He is the One....that can do anything....but it probably won't be large-scale movements and miracles....although He can do that.....but I see Him in the way I view Him so much in the Word as He miraculously He touched the lives of the individual...right there in front of Him.....focussed on that one His love and time and attention to that one......that is how we live ....and how we can continue on in this allowing touch the lives of those around us....right where we this moment....not looking for an opportune time, not looking for a better thing....a better audience...a more perfect appointment......just stepping out of the frame...and letting Him do what He would. Nothing else will work.
How cool it is when this life we live in Him, just flows from one moment to another.....all connected....all relationally connected....all set in motion to astound and amaze us as we see His Hand, His direction, His agenda...on us....on much He is enthralled with the likes of me. This I do not understand at times. But He has impressed upon me this week who I truly am.....and I know that He is the One who has shown me this in a very real and Hands on way if you will. His grace is sufficient for today...for me....for this I need to see it...He knows all this and at times the glimpses of this blow me away.
Sorry for the ramble.....sorry if you don't understand.....He knows of what I speak.


Walking Church said...
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Walking Church said...
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Walking Church said...

Yup my pot roast is burning pastor V!!! What amazes me too how He uses the 'least' for His Utmost (Kingdom missions)...and put this in light of 'living stones' in which He resides. Boggles this boy's mind.

Walking Church said...

sorry my machine froze and I was banging on the keyboard.