Wednesday, March 07, 2007


The Centrality and Supremacy of the Lord Jesus Christ
by T. Austin-Sparks

"...when we have received Christ, everything with which we have to do in relation to Him, anything which we have a voice or an influence, any part that we can take in the Lord's interests, must be wholly, utterly and always for the expression of Christ, the revelation of Jesus Christ,
the bringing into view of Christ. No assembly, no church, no movement, no testimony, no fellowship, is justified in its existence from God's standpoint except insofar as Christ is expressed by it."

(Hmmmmm, )

"Beloved, we are speaking about the individual. I am not justified, and you are not justified, in claiming to be Christians except in the measure in which Christ is manifested in me, in you; and all the force and weight of hell is out against that. Believers have far more to provoke them to un-Christ-likeness than anyone else in this world. Believers have far more assaults to churn them up and to make them betray Christ than anyone else. Hell is dead set against the revelation of Jesus Christ. Everything begins with this, the revelation of Christ within."

"...Christ is the beginning and Christ is the end, the A to Z, the Alpha and Omega.....It is: "Christ in you, the hope of glory,"....."

Colossians 1 - Sparks says this ..."first chapter of Colossians carries us right back into the mind and heart of God before the world was, and we are shown what was going on in the mind and heart of the Father concerning His Son. It is called "the mystery," that is the Divine secret."

1 comment:

Mikey's God Talk said...

Amen Sis! A Great witness of Christ, the leader of the WWCB (World Wide Church Of Bob) Once told me "if we could only see the battle that goes on in the spiritual realm around us, we would be so afraid." When we express Christ to others, or when He is reall to us, the battle is on.
Mikey <>< <>< <><