Sunday, June 10, 2007

Praise In All Things

It ain't easy grace. From Frank Friedman, today.

"Grace assures success in obedience."

"Our performing good works in a New Covenant economy pleases God."

"I love you, my child, but I do not love your behaviour." That is the way God would say it, in speaking about our lack of true and total worship to God. And He isn't talking about the music!"

He spoke about Juan Ortiz's analogy.....we give the beginning sputterings of a car starting....God gives the VROOOOM it needs to move forward. Always our choice to accept His leading.

Easy to get caught up with "I don't have to do a thing"......and stay there. What a wondrous thing it is to step with His prompting, of course, but letting Him know, yep, today I hear and I obey. Now, God ......"manifest Yourself, through me.". You know??

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