Tuesday, May 29, 2007

David Ruis

My new favourite artist and music.

A little about this man and his C.D., "when justice shines"......I just discovered him, but, it looks like he has been journeying for some time.....his heart appears genuine and soft. I like that.

And...David readily, (hopefully, not hesitantly), admits on his bio on his site that he is "I am actually Canadian, and was adopted into a Dutch (yes … the name is Dutch) family as an infant."

How very cool is that...although now residing in L.A. according to the site again, and a part of a new worship scene in that area, it appears that he and his wife and family have been a part of church planting and worship in many areas of the world, including Canada and India. This quote of his lead me to be truly be endeared to him, as my brother in Christ. I look forward to our meeting, one day!
"The walk has taken us down many paths … but all headed in the same direction … a relentless pursuit of worship and justice fusing in such a way that the fragrance of its sweet kiss cannot be ignored."

About this album from songuery....

"Recorded live at The Loft in Los Angeles, California, this project features the powerful and passionate vocals of David Ruis (author of You’re Worthy Of My Praise and Every Move I Make). Joining David are drummer Doug Mathews, guitarist Bob Hartry and bassist Jonathan Ahrens. Together they are Indigika – a collaboration of like-hearted friends pouring out worship the best way they know how. Indigika is also the fusion of acoustic and indigenous sounds with the loops and swirls of the electronic age.

When Justice Shines is all about the beginning steps of an artistic and communal journey on an old path to places never before visited. The sounds and heart are the result of kingdom seekers finding each other and making music that reflects years of searching for something that will speak to the deep place beyond the sounds and rhythms. This project is the call to justice... beyond clanging gongs and clashing cymbals to the place of spirit and truth."

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